Intermed Labs and Marshall Health Network Introduce Kneedle LLC

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Ali Oliashirazi, M.D., Marshall Health orthopaedic surgeon and professor and chair of the orthopaedics department at Marshall University Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine, showcases the knee joint area where the patent- pending device he co-invented will be used to more efficiently detect infections after joint replacement surgeries.

Intermed Labs (IL), in collaboration with Marshall Health Network (MHN), has launched Kneedle LLC, a company featuring an innovative medical device designed to significantly enhance the detection of infections in joint replacement surgeries. The patent- pending device was co-invented by Ali Oliashirazi, M.D., professor and chair of orthopaedic surgery at the Marshall University Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine, Alisina Shahi, M.D., an orthopaedic surgeon at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, and Intermed Labs.

Kneedle addresses the persistent challenge in the field of orthopaedic surgery of false negatives in infection detection post- joint replacement surgeries. Traditional methods can miss low-grade periprosthetic infections in up to 40% of cases, leading to delays in treatment and higher complications, according to Dr. Ali Oliashirazi.

Kneedle’s design leverages advanced technology to provide more accurate and timely detection of infections, thereby improving patient outcomes and reducing the likelihood of missed diagnoses. By ensuring that infections are identified and treated promptly, Kneedle aims to decrease the need for additional surgeries and enhance the overall recovery experience for patients undergoing joint replacement procedures.

“The Kneedle device may be a game-changer for both patients and health care providers,” said Oliashirazi, a board-certified orthopaedic surgeon at Marshall Health Network. “Our goal is to increase the accuracy of infection detection, reduce the number of false negatives and ultimately improve the quality of care for patients undergoing joint replacement surgeries.”

Together, IL and MHN have created a device that not only addresses a critical need in orthopaedic surgery but also exemplifies the potential of collaborative efforts in driving medical advancements. “The partnership between IL and MHN has been instrumental in bringing Kneedle to life,” said Tom McClellan, M.D., CEO of Intermed Labs. “This device is a testament to what can be achieved when clinical insight and innovative technology come together.”

As Kneedle prepares to enter the market, both Intermed Labs and Marshall Health Network are optimistic about the positive impact it will have on patient care and infection management in joint replacements. The launch of Kneedle marks a significant milestone in the ongoing effort to enhance surgical outcomes and improve the lives of patients worldwide.