Workshops & Trainings

The following workshops, support groups and training opportunities are presented by or hosted by the skilled professionals of the Cabell Huntington Hospital Counseling Center. We encourage fellow mental health professionals, especially those looking for continuing education credit, to explore our trainings below.


Please check back for upcoming conference dates.


Accelerated Resolution Therapy Basic (Trauma) Trainings

Why Train in ART?

ART effectively treats trauma and depression, as well as many other mental health issues, usually with far fewer sessions than other models. ART is an evidence-based model for PTSD and depression with surprisingly powerful and rapid results. Research indicates that ART resolves trauma in 1-5 sessions. It is not unusual for single incident trauma to be resolved in one session. Clients who have tried many other therapies often report that they have finally found something that works! Clinicians will be able to learn and begin using ART effectively with their clients after this three-day training. Because clients do not need to share details of what they are processing in an ART session, they do not have to recount painful details, and therapists don’t have to listen to distressing details that can lead to burnout and vicarious trauma.

Upcoming Trainings in West Virginia

June 18-20, 2025
CHH Counseling Center, 517 9th Street, Huntington, WV 25701

September 3-5, 2025
CHH Counseling Center, 517 9th Street, Huntington, WV 25701

ART Basic (Trauma) Training information:

Trainer: Christie Eastman, MA, LPC, NCC, ALPS, Master ART Practitioner and Trainer

CEUs: 21 CEU’s are offered through the Rosensweig Center for Rapid Recovery (CEU information is listed on the website) for Psychologists and Social Workers. Licensed Professional Counselors will receive 21 CEU’s from the CHH Counseling Center via our NBCC training affiliation.

To Register: Visit and click on the Training tab.

Space is Limited: Early registration is encouraged to secure your seat.

Training Eligibility Requirements: Master’s Degree in Mental Health Field, and either independently licensed or under supervision for independent licensure. Some Mental Health graduate students may also attend. Eligibility requirements can be viewed here

Wanting to host an ART Basic in your area?

ART trainings are in-person only due to the experiential nature of the training. If you would like to see an ART Basic training in your area, we’d love to begin the conversation. Contact Christie Eastman at or 304-526-2634.

Accelerated Resolution Therapy Advanced Training

When: January 14-16, 2025
Where: CHH Counseling Center, 517 9th Street, Huntington, WV 25701

Summary of Training Content

Participants will learn how to use metaphors as a standalone intervention which is known as ART’s Metaphorical Moment which can serve as another way to approach a problem. This ART training will also spend time on problems such as the fear of change that clients may have, pain management, anxiety associated with dyslexia, and anxiety associated with stroke. It will offer further tips on how to approach these problems. This training also offers a chance for you to review some of your cases for consultation during the training.

Objective: Review and practice ART interventions not covered and that augment the Basic ART Training including use of the Metaphorical Moment. Expand knowledge and skill set to apply the ART protocol to a broad range of psychological disorders and diagnoses beyond psychological trauma.

Prerequisites: Previous completion of ART Basic Training, confirmation of providing a minimum 30 sessions using full ART protocol.

Format: Lecture | Video | Audio | PowerPoint presentations | Supervised practicum and training.

To Register: Course Confirmation

The above information is from information on the RCRR website:

CEUs: The CHH Counseling Center will provide 21 CEUs for Licensed Professional Counselors. Psychologists, Social Workers, MFT’s and other mental health professionals who choose to request CE’s from their licensure board can get supporting documentation by downloading the training details from: THE COLLABORATIVE OF NASW.

Emotionally Focused Therapy Externship with George Faller

Dates: March 10-13, 2025; Early bird registration by Oct. 31, 2024.
Location: CHH Counseling Center, 517 9th Street, Huntington, WV
Trainer: George Faller, LMFT, ICEEFT Certified Emotionally Focused Therapist and Trainer
Prerequisite: Master’s Degree in Mental Health Field, and either independently licensed or under supervision for independent licensure
Register: Visit

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