Mary H. Hodges Joint Replacement Center
The Mary H. Hodges Joint Replacement Center was planned and created as a quiet, comfortable healing environment where patients can recover and begin rehabilitation after surgery. The nursing staff is trained and experienced in providing care for patients who have undergone joint replacement surgery. The unit features large rooms with plenty of space for patients to begin standing or walking with a walker or other assistive devices. Physical therapists that specialize in joint replacement rehabilitation are on hand to meet with patients on their first day in the unit.
Our Benefactors
Because of the generosity of Mary and Churchill Hodges, and to honor Mary as an exemplary patient, the Cabell Huntington Hospital Foundation named the hospital's specially designed and decorated joint replacement center the Mary H. Hodges Joint Replacement Center at Cabell Huntington Hospital.

Mary & the late Churchill Hodges
Mary and the late Churchill Hodges were both patients at Cabell Huntington Hospital. Both have experienced the services of the physicians and staff, and in appreciation for the expertise available at Cabell Huntington, they chose to make a legacy gift to the hospital.
Mary Hodges came to Cabell Huntington Hospital because of serious complications from knee replacement surgery at another facility. Through the expertise of infection control specialist Murray Batt, MD, of University Physicians and Surgeons and Ali Oliashirazi, MD, chairman of the Department of Orthopedic Surgery for Marshall University's Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine and medical director of the Cabell Huntington Hospital Joint Replacement Center, Mary's knee — and her life — were saved.
Some of the credit for Mary's recovery, however, goes to Mary herself. "Mary was the ideal patient because she had a strong desire to get better and was willing to work with the team to make the best outcome possible," Oliashirazi said.